With a different firmware (Tasmota) you can use it with demopad even with feedback

You can use Tasmota with the most of the Sonoff devices.
Flash your Sonoff like the the manuals you can find in the internet. My manuals are in german, so you must find yours.
You can control the sonoff switch with the following commands:
Add a new device with the IP of the sonoff an Port 80.
Toggle Power -> GET /cm?cmnd=Power%20TOGGLE HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
Power on -> GET /cm?cmnd=Power%20ON HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
Power off -> GET /cm?cmnd=Power%20OFF HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
For the Feedback (sonoff uses JSON) you must use "feedback matches specific data"
in the Data fiel insert "POWER":"ON" or "POWER":"OFF".
In the Field upper right (i don't know the name right now) insert "}"
Have fun with your Wifi Switches