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Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:18 pm
by Steve_Jones
Has anyone managed to get IP control working on Sony BluRay players? I have a BDP-S370 which does have its own Android control App so I know it must be possible,

From digging around on the net I have found people with it working in other control platforms but cant see anything for Demopad.

I have been trying to adapt some of the other working IP examples from the sky control set, and adapt it to suit the Sony commands for example..

POST /upnp/control/IRCC HTTP/1.1\x0D\x0AHost:\x0D\x0AUser-Agent: MediaRemote/3.0.1 CFNetwork/548.0.4 Darwin/11.0.0\x0D\x0AContent-Length: 317\x0D\x0AContent-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8\x0D\x0ASOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1#X_SendIRCC"\x0D\x0AConnection: close\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A<?xml version="1.0"?>\x0D\x0A<s:Envelope s:encodingStyle="" xmlns:s="">\x0D\x0A <s:Body>\x0D\x0A <u:X_SendIRCC xmlns:u="urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1">\x0D\x0A <IRCCCode>AAAAAwAAHFoAAAAaAw==</IRCCCode>\x0D\x0A </u:X_SendIRCC>\x0D\x0A </s:Body>\x0D\x0A</s:Envelope>\x0D\x0A

More info on Sony IP Control here... ... .cgi?171,3


Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:43 pm
by DemoPad
An eject command from another installer who just pasted the below into the DemoPad command window (make sure you are using the correct port)

POST / HTTP/1.1 :
POST /upnp/control/IRCC HTTP/1.1:
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Close
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
User-Agent: MediaRemote/3.0.1 CFNetwork/548.0.4 Darwin/11.0.0
SOAPAction: "urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1#X_SendIRCC"
Connection: close
Content-Length: 399

<?xml version="1.0"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=" ... X_SendIRCC xmlns:m="urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1"><IRCCCode xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" dt:dt="string">AAAAAwAAHFoAAAAWAw==</IRCCCode></m:X_SendIRCC></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:00 pm
by Steve_Jones
Great thanks will give it a try tonight ..

Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:55 am
by Steve_Jones
Didnt seem to do anything, Checked IP address & port,

Do you need any of the /x0d/x0n type lines in the statement ?


Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:32 pm
I found this example file for a similar Sony player.
Hope this can help ;)

Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:46 am
by Baljy74

has anyone had any luck with getting the Sony IP cmds to work?

Got a project where i need to IP control S490 and S1100 but not having much luck with this.

Anyone can advise would be most appreciated.


iSmart Home Control.

Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:53 am
by cv27
Baljy74 wrote:... has anyone had any luck with getting the Sony IP cmds to work? ...S1100
I've tried very hard to get IP commands to my S1100:
1- I can ping the device and it responds, but I think it's because it is DLNA compliant and accepts FW upgrades from the Internet
2- I've tried several ports but consistently get 'could not connect'
3- I've tried several queries into Sony for IP commands and format: the replies all say the S1100 is incapable of receiving IP commands; the fact that there is no mention of the S1100 as a compatible device with Android or Apple apps seems to corroborate this
4- other Sony models do support IP commands

Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:50 pm
by Baljy74
Hi cv27,

do you have the correct format for the Sony IP cmds?

Could you give me an example of needs to go into demopad for any particular cmd..i.e. PLAY

Would be really appreciated.



Re: Sony Blu Ray IP Commands

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:43 pm
by cv27
As to the format of Sony IP commands, unfortunately, I deleted all the info I had gathered since my S1100 would not accept IP commands. Most of my research was googling for "Sony IP commands" and searching Remote Central (

As to your request for an example, I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for.

Good luck