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URL HTTP Centro 8

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:11 pm
by starwarsmike

Can someone tell me what the format is for using a DDNS service in a URL, Currently I use IP address but changes, hence the change to DDNS service.

For example to send Centro 8m from IFTTT the format is HTTPS://admin:password@451.721.56.14/api/macros etc. The IP is just an example, so back to the point, if I replace the IP with DDNS service, what format do I use to put my host name/username/password?

Thank you in advance


Re: URL HTTP Centro 8

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:56 pm
by Jonathan
starwarsmike wrote:Hi

Can someone tell me what the format is for using a DDNS service in a URL, Currently I use IP address but changes, hence the change to DDNS service.

For example to send Centro 8m from IFTTT the format is HTTPS://admin:password@451.721.56.14/api/macros etc. The IP is just an example, so back to the point, if I replace the IP with DDNS service, what format do I use to put my host name/username/password?

Thank you in advance


It's as simple as replacing the IP address portion with whatever hostname your DDNS service provides.

would turn in to something like:

Re: URL HTTP Centro 8

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:08 pm
by starwarsmike