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toggle a device by volume feedback?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 5:16 pm
by stub
I’m looking for a way to turn a subwoofer amp on and off with the volume feedback from an Onkyo receiver. I’ve had the feedback working for a while now and its simply assigned to a dynamic label to display true volume level.

I also use an IP relay to power cycle the sub amp with web commands assigned to a button.
So for example, I set a button, “send data to website” with web data:

So I’d like to turn the subwoofer amp off when the volume feedback is below 50 and back on when it’s above 50
Any ideas where to start? I’ve tried poking around with a random mouse clicking sort of way, reading the forums for volume feedback, and digging deeper into project numbers, but I’m either missing something, or it can’t be done.

Re: toggle a device by volume feedback?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:44 am
by DemoPad
If you have a label representing the numeric level, you should be able to assign that value to a number using square brackets in the feedback actions, e.g. set a number to:


Then - if that number had custom number actions, you could specify a range (0-50, 51-100) to turn the subwoofer on/off accordingly when the number changes.

Re: toggle a device by volume feedback?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 5:02 pm
by stub
I got your advise to work thank you!