Feedback for Network Connection Status?

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Feedback for Network Connection Status?

Post by Stik » Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:43 pm

I am hoping to solicit some advice on how to setup a device that will send a command to the local network and then receive feedback that can be parsed to set a Number based on the network connection status. I could then repeat the command at some interval until the Network Error Feedback changes to a Connected Status to determine when I could successfully send other commands.

The reason I would like to do this is I use Demopad both on my local network and remotely through OpenVPN. I have setup OpenVPN on demand so that it automatically connects to the VPN when Demopad opens. I don't want Demopad sending the commands remotely until the VPN is established (approximately 4 s - but it can vary), but I would like them to be sent faster (< 0.5s) when connected locally.

I am guessing this would be the best approach to accomplish this, but as I am not a programmer I don't know for sure. Will this method work? If so, can anyone help with the responses I am looking for connected and unconnected replies? Are there any other techniques or recommendations on how I might be able to set a flag/number for when a network connection is established?

Thanks for the advice.


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