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Just checking....

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:49 pm
by Mart007
Have I got this right so far :?:

I basically have the app, and a wifi to infared unit.

Im going to be controlling a bluray, onkyo amp, projector and a htpc running xmbc.

Do i need x2 infa red units as theres only 3 irs on each? I dont mind more irs as I can put my lights and sockets on it.

Im struggerling to get me head around it all.

Thanks for any help

Re: Just checking....

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:45 am
by DemoPad
A WF2IR has 3 IR ports, but the 3rd can be a high power blaster, which can control many pieces of equipment within line of sight of the IR blaster.