XML Feedback command don't work !!!
XML Feedback command don't work !!!
i can GET my XML File whit the command:
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0
And i GET:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<device ise_id="4210" name="Arbeitszimmer_Rollo">
-<channel ise_id="4211" name="Arbeitszimmer_Rollo:0" operate="" visible="">
<datapoint ise_id="4212" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:0.RSSI_PEER" operations="5" timestamp="0" valueunit="dBm" valuetype="8" value="0" type="RSSI_PEER"/>
-<channel ise_id="4213" name="Arbeitszimmer_Rollo:1" operate="true" visible="true">
<datapoint ise_id="4216" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.STATE" operations="7" timestamp="1438066800" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="true" type="STATE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4217" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.TOGGLE" operations="2" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="" type="TOGGLE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4215" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.PROG_TIMER" operations="7" timestamp="1437598645" valueunit="s" valuetype="4" value="0.000000" type="PROG_TIMER"/>
-<device ise_id="4303" name="Garten_Decke_Licht">
-<channel ise_id="4304" name="Garten_Decke_Licht:0" operate="" visible="">
<datapoint ise_id="4305" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:0.RSSI_PEER" operations="5" timestamp="0" valueunit="dBm" valuetype="8" value="0" type="RSSI_PEER"/>
-<channel ise_id="4306" name="Garten_Decke_Licht:1" operate="true" visible="true">
<datapoint ise_id="4309" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:1.STATE" operations="7" timestamp="1437598645" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="STATE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4310" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:1.TOGGLE" operations="2" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="" type="TOGGLE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4308" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:1.PROG_TIMER" operations="7" timestamp="1437598645" valueunit="s" valuetype="4" value="0.000000" type="PROG_TIMER"/>
Now i will the Feedback from:
<datapoint ise_id="4216" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.STATE" operations="7" timestamp="1438066800" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="true" type="STATE"/>
i Need the Status from value="true"
i tasted a lot of commands, but no one Show me the info in de text as dynamiclabel
<datapoint ise_id="4216" value="(.*)"/>
what is wrong ?
i can GET my XML File whit the command:
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0
And i GET:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<device ise_id="4210" name="Arbeitszimmer_Rollo">
-<channel ise_id="4211" name="Arbeitszimmer_Rollo:0" operate="" visible="">
<datapoint ise_id="4212" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:0.RSSI_PEER" operations="5" timestamp="0" valueunit="dBm" valuetype="8" value="0" type="RSSI_PEER"/>
-<channel ise_id="4213" name="Arbeitszimmer_Rollo:1" operate="true" visible="true">
<datapoint ise_id="4216" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.STATE" operations="7" timestamp="1438066800" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="true" type="STATE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4217" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.TOGGLE" operations="2" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="" type="TOGGLE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4215" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.PROG_TIMER" operations="7" timestamp="1437598645" valueunit="s" valuetype="4" value="0.000000" type="PROG_TIMER"/>
-<device ise_id="4303" name="Garten_Decke_Licht">
-<channel ise_id="4304" name="Garten_Decke_Licht:0" operate="" visible="">
<datapoint ise_id="4305" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:0.RSSI_PEER" operations="5" timestamp="0" valueunit="dBm" valuetype="8" value="0" type="RSSI_PEER"/>
-<channel ise_id="4306" name="Garten_Decke_Licht:1" operate="true" visible="true">
<datapoint ise_id="4309" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:1.STATE" operations="7" timestamp="1437598645" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="STATE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4310" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:1.TOGGLE" operations="2" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="" type="TOGGLE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="4308" name="CUxD.CUX0200010:1.PROG_TIMER" operations="7" timestamp="1437598645" valueunit="s" valuetype="4" value="0.000000" type="PROG_TIMER"/>
Now i will the Feedback from:
<datapoint ise_id="4216" name="CUxD.CUX0200001:1.STATE" operations="7" timestamp="1438066800" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="true" type="STATE"/>
i Need the Status from value="true"
i tasted a lot of commands, but no one Show me the info in de text as dynamiclabel
<datapoint ise_id="4216" value="(.*)"/>
what is wrong ?
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
i hope anyone can help me.
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
Ist it the Problem, that the file is an .cgi file that generate an XML Output ?
Becouse i can take the Output whit hercules and the GET Command !!
Becouse i can take the Output whit hercules and the GET Command !!
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
No, the response you see in Hercules should be the same response the app gets if you send the same command. Your regex looks wrong, try something like:
datapoint ise_id="([0-9]*)" name=
which should retrieve the numeric datapoint ise_id. If you see that on screen that will prove that you are communicating correctly. What is your response terminator set to? Look at the data in Hercules - and see what separates each line, it may be \x0A for example.
If you can't get it to work, set up Hercules as a TCP Server, and fire the command from the app at it (your PC's IP address) and manually send some data back, eg:
and use the regex:
and you should see "hello' in your label - once you start that process you can make your response / the regex more closely match the data you actually see coming back.
datapoint ise_id="([0-9]*)" name=
which should retrieve the numeric datapoint ise_id. If you see that on screen that will prove that you are communicating correctly. What is your response terminator set to? Look at the data in Hercules - and see what separates each line, it may be \x0A for example.
If you can't get it to work, set up Hercules as a TCP Server, and fire the command from the app at it (your PC's IP address) and manually send some data back, eg:
and use the regex:
and you should see "hello' in your label - once you start that process you can make your response / the regex more closely match the data you actually see coming back.
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
DemoPad wrote:No, the response you see in Hercules should be the same response the app gets if you send the same command. Your regex looks wrong, try something like:
datapoint ise_id="([0-9]*)" name=
which should retrieve the numeric datapoint ise_id. If you see that on screen that will prove that you are communicating correctly. What is your response terminator set to? Look at the data in Hercules - and see what separates each line, it may be \x0A for example.
If you can't get it to work, set up Hercules as a TCP Server, and fire the command from the app at it (your PC's IP address) and manually send some data back, eg:
and use the regex:
and you should see "hello' in your label - once you start that process you can make your response / the regex more closely match the data you actually see coming back.
when i use \x0A or \x0D or take it together, i dont receive data from hercules: GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0 \x0D
it only Output the file whitout anything of \x0D or \x0A, or \x0D\x0A
my Feedback from enigma2 System already OK. but from my homeautomation System dont give any Outputs.
when i copy some lines from hercules, i see that all Inputs from the XML life in 1 line:
Code: Select all
<device name='Wohnraum_Rollo_Rechts' ise_id='4228' ><channel name='Wohnraum_Rollo_Rechts:0' ise_id='4229' visible='' operate=''><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200003:0.RSSI_PEER' type='RSSI_PEER' ise_id='4230' value='0' valuetype='8' valueunit='dBm' timestamp='0' operations='5' /></channel><channel name='Wohnraum_Rollo_Rechts:1' ise_id='4231' visible='true' operate='true'><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200003:1.STATE' type='STATE' ise_id='4234' value='true' valuetype='2' valueunit='' timestamp='1438168804' operations='7' /><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200003:1.TOGGLE' type='TOGGLE' ise_id='4235' value='' valuetype='2' valueunit='' timestamp='0' operations='2' /><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200003:1.PROG_TIMER' type='PROG_TIMER' ise_id='4233' value='0.000000' valuetype='4' valueunit='s' timestamp='1438167382' operations='7' /></channel></device><device name='Wohnraum_SkyLine' ise_id='4267' ><channel name='Wohnraum_SkyLine:0' ise_id='4268' visible='' operate=''><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200006:0.RSSI_PEER' type='RSSI_PEER' ise_id='4269' value='0' valuetype='8' valueunit='dBm' timestamp='0' operations='5' /></channel><channel name='Wohnraum_SkyLine:1' ise_id='4270' visible='true' operate='true'><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200006:1.STATE' type='STATE' ise_id='4273' value='false' valuetype='2' valueunit='' timestamp='1438167382' operations='7' /><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200006:1.TOGGLE' type='TOGGLE' ise_id='4274' value='' valuetype='2' valueunit='' timestamp='0' operations='2' /><datapoint name='CUxD.CUX0200006:1.PROG_TIMER' type='PROG_TIMER' ise_id='4272' value='0.000000' valuetype='4' valueunit='s' timestamp='1438167382' operations='7' /></channel></device></stateList>
i try to become the info, what is in the value="" from the datapoint ise_id="4216"
whit this regex: datapoint ise_id="4216" value="([A-Za-z0-9]*)" but the Output is clean
SORRY vor my HARDCORE English

That is the file, what create the XML Output from my homematic System !!!
Code: Select all
load tclrega.so
puts -nonewline {Content-Type: text/xml
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><stateList>}
set ise_id 0
set show_internal 0
catch {
set input $env(QUERY_STRING)
set pairs [split $input &]
foreach pair $pairs {
if {0 != [regexp "^(\[^=]*)=(.*)$" $pair dummy varname val]} {
set $varname $val
set comm "var ise_id=$ise_id;\n"
set comm "var show_internal=$show_internal;\n"
if { $ise_id != 0 } then {
append comm {
object obj = dom.GetObject(ise_id);
if(obj.TypeName() == "HSSDP")
object oDP = obj;
string dp = oDP.Name().StrValueByIndex(".", 2);
Write(" name='");WriteXML(oDP.Name());Write("'");
Write(" type='");WriteXML(oDP.Name().StrValueByIndex(".", 2));Write("'");
Write(" ise_id='");WriteXML(ise_id);Write("'");
! state fragt den aktuellen status des sensors/aktors ab, dauert lange
if (show_internal == 1) {
Write(" state='");WriteXML(oDP.State());Write("'");
! value nimmt den von der ccu gecachten wert, moeglicherweise nicht korrekt. Ggf. bei einigen geraeten immer abfragen
Write(" value='");WriteXML(oDP.Value());Write("'");
Write(" valuetype='");WriteXML(oDP.ValueType());Write("'");
Write(" timestamp='");WriteXML(oDP.Timestamp().ToInteger());Write("'");
Write(" />");
} else {
append comm {
string sDevId;
string sChnId;
string sDPId;
foreach (sDevId, root.Devices().EnumUsedIDs())
object oDevice = dom.GetObject(sDevId);
if( oDevice.ReadyConfig() && (oDevice.Name() != "Zentrale") && (oDevice.Name() != "HMW-RCV-50 BidCoS-Wir") )
Write(" name='" # oDevice.Name() # "'");
Write(" ise_id='" # sDevId # "'");
string interfaceid = oDevice.Interface();
string servicechan = "" # dom.GetObject(interfaceid).Name() #"."#oDevice.Address()#":0";
object schan = dom.GetObject(servicechan#".UNREACH");
if(schan) { Write(" unreach='" # schan.Value() #"'"); }
object schan = dom.GetObject(servicechan#".STICKY_UNREACH");
if(schan) { Write(" sticky_unreach='" # schan.Value() #"'"); }
object schan = dom.GetObject(servicechan#".CONFIG_PENDING");
if(schan) { Write(" config_pending='" # schan.Value() #"'"); }
Write(" >"); ! device tag schliessen
foreach(sChnId, oDevice.Channels())
object oChannel = dom.GetObject(sChnId);
if ( (! oChannel.Internal()) || oChannel.Internal() )
Write("<channel name='");
WriteXML( oChannel.Name() );
Write("' ise_id='" # sChnId);
if (oChannel.Internal()) {
Write("' visible='" );
Write("' operate='");
} else {
Write("' visible='");
Write("' operate='");
object o_sysVar = dom.GetObject(sChnId);
if( o_sysVar.UserAccessRights(iulOtherThanAdmin) == iarFullAccess ) {
} else {
foreach(sDPId, oChannel.DPs().EnumUsedIDs())
object oDP = dom.GetObject(sDPId);
string dp = oDP.Name().StrValueByIndex(".", 2);
if( (dp != "ON_TIME") && (dp != "INHIBIT") && (dp != "CMD_RETS") && (dp != "CMD_RETL") && (dp != "CMD_SETS") && (dp != "CMD_SETL") )
Write(" name='"); WriteXML(oDP.Name());
Write("' type='"); WriteXML(oDP.Name().StrValueByIndex(".", 2));
Write("' ise_id='" # sDPId );
! state fragt den aktuellen status des sensors/aktors ab, dauert lange
if (show_internal == 1) {
Write("' state='"); WriteXML(oDP.State());
! value nimmt den von der ccu gecachten wert, moeglicherweise nicht korrekt. Ggf. bei einigen geraeten immer abfragen
Write("' value='"); WriteXML(oDP.Value());
Write("' valuetype='" # oDP.ValueType());
Write("' valueunit='" # oDP.ValueUnit());
Write("' timestamp='" # oDP.Timestamp().ToInteger());
Write("' operations='" # oDP.Operations());
Write("' />");
array set res [rega_script $comm]
puts -nonewline $res(STDOUT)
puts -nonewline {</stateList>}
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
when i take the command:
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0\x0D
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0\x0A
i become this ERROR: When i write:
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0
i become the complett statelist.cgi file
her is my Demopad configuration:
when i take the command:
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0\x0D\x0A
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0\x0D
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0\x0A
i become this ERROR: When i write:
GET /config/xmlapi/statelist.cgi HTTP/1.0
i become the complett statelist.cgi file
her is my Demopad configuration:
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Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
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Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
I have had success using /> as a terminator on some but not all XML files.
Try the following pattern with /> as the terminator:
<datapoint ise_id="4216".*value="(.*)" type="STATE"
Good luck.
Try the following pattern with /> as the terminator:
<datapoint ise_id="4216".*value="(.*)" type="STATE"
Good luck.
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
when i us<datapoint ise_id="4216".*value="(.*)" type="STATE"/> is the same. nothingtrevorst wrote:I have had success using /> as a terminator on some but not all XML files.
Try the following pattern with /> as the terminator:
<datapoint ise_id="4216".*value="(.*)" type="STATE"
Good luck.

Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
Don't add the /> to the input, use it as the terminator as the feedback terminator.
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
trevorst wrote:Don't add the /> to the input, use it as the terminator as the feedback terminator.
sorry my mistakte, i mean, i have wrote:
<datapoint ise_id="4216".*value="(.*)" type="STATE"
in Data.
An in Device Responce /> !!!!
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
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Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
nobody has any other idea ???
becouse homematic is the biggest home automation system in germany ! and her gives many user that like to build her own ipad app whit demoted. at the moment can only mediola communicate whit homematic, but the software ist 10% of demoted in the functionality !!
becouse homematic is the biggest home automation system in germany ! and her gives many user that like to build her own ipad app whit demoted. at the moment can only mediola communicate whit homematic, but the software ist 10% of demoted in the functionality !!
Re: XML Feedback command don't work !!!
Demopad, when i send you my XML file, can u test it and tell my how it like works ?
the Feedback, is the one and only Thing what not work
but it is recommand to use Demopad as iPad Controller !!!
the Feedback, is the one and only Thing what not work