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Request - play MP4 files

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:54 pm
by jimthx

We are the Video company from Israel and we very pleased from your product.
My question there any way we can request from you to add some future to your software?
We need DemoPad ability to open a specific video file on the device.
We ready to pay for this future.We sow you had an option to upload WAV file,so maybe there is
a way to add a MP4 future?

Thank you

Re: Request

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:27 pm
by DemoPad
Hi, you can already add mp4 files to the app via a web view. If the MP4 is hosted on your network, or the internet, then simply enter the path to the .mp4 file on the network.

If you want to host the file locally on the iOS device, simply enter the filename of the .mp4 file, and check the box 'use local file'. Then you just need to ensure that the file is sent to your device when you upload your project, so create an image object on a (possible hidden) page somewhere & choose an MP4 file as the image - you won't see a preview on screen, but the mp4. file will then be uploaded & be available for the local file web view.

Re: Request

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:40 am
by jimthx
Thank you for your quick reply

Some how its not working for me(
May be iam doing some thing wrong....
Well,i'll keep trying...

On the MP4 image i'am getting only X
On the WEB view Black window with file cannot be played...
I can see the file uploaded to DemoPad project directory...

Re: Request

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:51 am
by DemoPad
It is normal to see a red cross on the image object, this is just to make sure the file is uploaded to the iPad & available for the web view. If you want to email the .mp4 file to we can test for you. Does the .mp4 file play on your iPad if you upload it to a web server somewhere & play through Safari?

Re: Request

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:29 pm
by jimthx
Thank you for reply

Problem is,i need to see only the button that
I will draw in Photoshop.Put on Transparent
button and send a command to open a video
file.The file must be played in fullscreen with
Option going back to Demopad menu.

Re: Request

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:45 pm
by DemoPad
Then just create a standard button as normal, and when you press the button do a page flip to another page which has the web view on it (the size of the screen), which actually plays the video. Have a button somewhere over the web view that takes you back to the main page.

Re: Request - play MP4 files

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:48 am
by jimthx
Thank you so much for your support.