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Designer version 2.133 with iDevice version 1.4.2

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:40 pm
by cv27
DemoPad support,

Can you please confirm or elaborate on the following points regarding the post subject:
  • 1- Connect / Disconnect to device action types: I assume it will use the same parameters as defined for that device (suffix, remote/local, etc.) and I assume it will disregard 'disconnect after each command'
    2- Adjust screen brightness action type: will it allow [+/-] or a variable as a parameter?
    3- When do you expect 1.4.2 to clear the Apple gates?

Re: Designer version 2.133 with iDevice version 1.4.2

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:28 am
by DemoPad
1. Yes it will obey device rules, though this only applies to a device which has an initial command when you use the 'connect' action type. It has nothing to do with 'disconnect after each command' - this will still be obeyed if set, as will 'maintain active connection' (ie if you choose to disconnect manually, the app will reconnect straight away by itself). The connect/disconnect options just give you the option to decide whether you want to connect/disconnect to a device manually. The app will still behave the same in all other cases (for example if you try to send a command while the connection is not established, the app will connect by itself).

2. Yes

3. I would expect within a week or so, though this varies each time we update the app.