I'm using Dynamic Labels for each camera using the following formats;
Edimax - http://userid:password@ipaddressofcamera/
AirCam - http://ipaddressofcamera/snapshot.cgi
Basically, create a label for each camera called, say, EDIMAX and AIRCAM (original or what!?) and use the above as default values for each label, ie, default label for Edimax is http://userid:password@ipaddressofcamera and for AirCam its http://ipaddressofcamera/snapshot.cgi. Then create an image on a page (eg the transparent10x10.png image), select the relevant dynamic label for each and tick the Refresh Every... box and set a refresh rate - I have found 0.15 seconds seems fine but you might need to play around with this to see what works best for you - I guess this is affected by settings for resolution and frames per second for the camera, broadband and wifi speeds and who knows what else.
You can play around with the size/position of the images or I have subpages for each camera and a flag for each which is selected through buttons for each camera that turns the relevant camera subpage on and off.
I hope that explains things and that it might be of help